カワサキ 空冷 4気筒。検 メンテナンス、整備、オーバーホール、KZ、Z 750 FX ディスカウント Ⅱ Ⅲ、GP、GPZ、ザッパー。ゼファー Z1 Z2 Z1-R Z1000 J R
洋書 Kawasaki 750 Air-Cooled Fours 1980 to 1991 738cc Owners Workshop Manual 内容紹介 Haynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents every step with thorough instructions and clear photos. Haynes repair manuals are used by the pros, but written for the do-it-yourselfer. Models coveredKZ/Z750 E.UK 1980.US 1980 to 1982 KZ/Z750 H(Ltd)UK 1980 to 1982.US 1980 to 1983 KZ/Z750 L.UK 1981 to 1987.US 1983 KZ/Z750 R(GPz).UK and US 1982ZX750 A(GPz).UK 1983 to 1988.US 1983 to 1985 Z750 P(GT750).UK 1982 on KZ750 N(Spectre).US 1982 to 1983 KZ750 F(Ltd Shaft).US 1983 All models have a 783 cc air-cooled engine 全232ページ ※写真を見た感じですと、ザッパー系エンジンの Z750FXⅡ/Ⅲ、Z750GP、GPZ750辺りだと思われます。
Kawasaki 750 Air-Cooled Fours
1980 to 1991 738cc
Owners Workshop Manual
Haynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents
every step with thorough instructions and clear photos.
Haynes repair manuals are used by the pros,
but written for the do-it-yourselfer.
Models coveredKZ/Z750 E.UK 1980.US 1980 to 1982
KZ/Z750 H(Ltd)UK 1980 to 1982.US 1980 to 1983
KZ/Z750 L.UK 1981 to 1987.US 1983
KZ/Z750 R(GPz).UK and US 1982ZX750 A(GPz).UK 1983 to 1988.US 1983 to 1985
Z750 P(GT750).UK 1982 on
KZ750 N(Spectre).US 1982 to 1983
KZ750 F(Ltd Shaft).US 1983
All models have a 783 cc air-cooled engine
発送方法=クリックポスト 198円・レターパック 520円